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Americans For Justice - United - 2024


It turns out, I am immersed in the Ohio Train Derailment in E Palestine case. It is much more than they have revealed. They have done the usual, using media to minimize what happened from burning those hazardous chemicals. It is very serious and widespread. Biden lied and never even went there. There has been finger pointing, but the Governor is on record for saying the DOD approved the burn to be done. He signed off on it and said for it to be done. The burn is what led this to be catastrophic with the combination of chemicals burned creating further deadly combinations including phosgene and dioxins. All like the war burn pits. They would like to have you believe this is no big deal or another situation of putting lives at risk and hiding truth as they did with the vaccine. So again, we must fight and share the facts so that people know what is truly happening. I hope all is well and when things are normally active again here, I will let it be known on social media so that you know. If you are here checking in. Thank you. God Bless America

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