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Americans For Justice - United - 2024


OBAMA'S TRANSFORMATION IS HERE! All the information is here at this site to show how Obama completed his mission. He vowed to transform America and he did! He worked with the enemy and his associates in this network and is in charge of everything in a very destructive and sick way! He is running Joe who he appointed pointman for Ukraine and China, years ago. He also ran a shadow government during Trump Administration. He met with world leaders, he mentored Democrats and he funded State Level positions. He never stopped his mission since he was 1st senator and then, the 1st Muslim President of the United States. Why? Because he hates America and everyone let him do it! He funded terrorists. He then attacked American police, American cities, Christianity, Christmas, etc. He divided Americans, re-started race issues, transformed what is taught in our schools, brought in illegal criminals, brought ISIS here with the refugees. Etc. He had check mate when our military equipment was left in Afghanistan with terrorists. Terrorists who he released from Gitmo, run the palace there. All that equipment will be used against us now, while the war has started with Israel. The pallets of money he gave to Iran will also be used. This is it. He hates Israel too. He wants Israel gone and he wants Americans dead by injection in this vax genocide too. He launched the multi million dollar brain initiative project with Darpa and CDC with Nanotechnology that paved the way with this deadly vaccine. It was patented years ago! So now, we must get things straight with God, because we are trapped in a fast moving downward fall. We are going broke funding Ukraine. Everyone knows this! We are weakened and being taken over by the enemy that has brought their army here! Don't forget Obama did the Jade Helm Exercises with UN tanks years ago. It is all documented at this site. Our country is in more trouble now, then we have seen in our life times. The only way through this now, is to face the truth before it is too late. To take care of yourself and loved ones. To be as safe as you can be. To have faith and ask God for help too. I am in a chaotic phase again, so I will try to return soon, but I am not sure when. Please look back on the prior posts here, to understand what is happening! Thank you! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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