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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

More Alerts

First of all, there is still alarming lack of wildlife in my area.  I have contacted the Governor and Media.  I saw a site with a map of the plumes from the Ohio train wreck and there were multiple plumes.  Not only a man in Ontario showed video of a toxic stream there, but another person I know in Ontario alerted me to the news of toxins found in the snow in Quebec when they tested it, including the Phosgene.  Again, this is very serious.  The phosgene was used in World War 1 as a chemical weapon.  These toxins stay in soil for years!  Please check your streams, stir them with a stick.  See if any colored toxins or film surface.  Look out for wildlife too.  Thanks.

There have also been many other incidents occurring.  Too many in a short amount of time.  An explosion happened at a facility in Ohio.  People injured and one casualty reported.  Cars were reported burned too. Another train derailment happened in Nebraska and hazmat was called in.  A Uranium Plant caught fire in Tennessee!  A fire was at an electrical plant in California and 50,000 people were out of power.  There are more as well, but hard to keep up with.  We are certainly under attack!

There has been no mention of WHO the engineer is who drove the train in Palestine Ohio.  Why?  Most people know now, that President Trump visited there yesterday.  He donated pallets of water and loads of other things and food for firefighters.  This was a helpful and generous gesture.  It is unacceptable that President Biden has not done ONE press conference since this catastrophe!  I heard they opened up a clinic there for people who are now getting sick.  It really is not safe to be there without protective gear.  As we also know, president Biden went to Ukraine instead!! 

This is the United States.  We are not Ukraine.  Not only are we giving endless money to Ukraine, but during numerous crisis here happening.  It is incomprehensible and he should be removed from office.  The entire administration should be removed. Has any other country given money to Ukraine?  Everyone continues to ignore Obama.  He has been silent, except for his one comment that no-one will search his homes for classified files.  What gives him the right to avoid this??  Why does everyone avoid him??  He has operatives burning down our country and killing Americans.  If this continues to go ignored, we will be done.  I am serious when I say this. 

Look back on this site.  Connect the dots.  It may take time, but without research, you are just less safe.  Our country is in trouble.  Serious trouble.  We must stay strong with courage and deal with the TRUTH to survive~  There is so much more to add, but I will continue later.  Please be alert and safe.  Meet with trusted Patriots in private without cell phones, etc.   Plan and prepare.  Thank you for visiting this site.  UNITE!

Today I have contacted the Governor.


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