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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Do You Feel Safe?

The bottom line is, many Americans do NOT feel safe.  We have mentioned many issues in this blog that give reason to why people would feel this way.  There is lack of trust.  This president is acting in ways that are reckless.  He is blatantly putting Americans in this position.  People are watching nothing be done about his lawless actions.  How can this be happening?  Our president should be putting Americans first.  This country should be defended for the security of American lives.  Instead this president is doing everything he can to aid the illegal invasion.  He is spending more time blaming Republicans who do not do things 'his way' while taking no responsibility for what he has done wrong. 

People feel the difference in their lives.  They feel the impact of all that he is doing with every single policy and  executive order passed, with every law we believe he has violated.  People are worried for good reason!  This president has spent years igniting division .  Now, the worst is coming out in people.  There is fighting about religion, race, political affiliation, etc.  People worry about a civil war breaking out.  Day after day there is chaos going on around the world.  People anticipate it coming here soon.  Americans feel this country is being 'transformed'.  Yes, he did say he was going to do this.  But this type of transformation is threatening.  People brace themselves with guns and ammunition.  No-one knows what violent incident is going to happen next.

Is this what a true American president does to his people?  Terrorize them?  Put them in survival mode? Be-little them?   Cause them fear even opposing him because of the backlash they may receive?  Fear they may be targeted, wrongly accused?  No.  This is not what a true American president is about!   This president has worked his way around the Constitution.  This president has bypassed congress.  This president has re-written law with over reach used in the illegal immigration memorandum.  This president has behaved like a bully.  This president has aided criminals from other places , releasing them to harm us.  Many feel this president is working against us all the time! 

If we are deliberately put in harms way, this is a crime.  A president who cares about America does NOT put Americans in HARMS WAY.  This president is doing this!.  We feel there are rough times ahead.  That's why we believe Americans need to unite.  We need to start coming together.  Let's collect our stories , let our voices be heard however we can together.  Because, now is the time.  When there is no safety, there is no stability.  When there is no stability, there is no free living.  Our freedom is being ripped away from us.  We still have our documented rights to protect us.  We must use them to be heard. 

Honestly think about whether you feel safe.  If you do not, let us know why.   The way to tackle this, is to re-establish safety however we can.  I know , people have figured out ways to survive. But, we also must feel a sense of being united in such uncertain times.   We cannot predict exactly what will happen.  However, most people who are aware of the truth can see this is going in a bad direction fast.  Some people think this means it is too late to do anything at all.  Some people are so fed up, ready to lash out however they can.  I do understand how things seem impossible to do anything positive.  But, I only think it is impossible if we allow it to be.  We still have time.  We still can be heard and I know Americans have a lot to say.  I myself  will say back to this president exactly what he said today.  Enough!  Enough! 

This site is set up to give average Americans a place to be heard , to come together, to take a stand.  Whatever it is you want to participate in doing in a civil, lawful way.  But if you are here, it takes the step to give input, whatever the concerns may be.  We acknowledge there may be a time when there is actually enough chaos going on from all this, that we will not have as much opportunity to take a stand.  We are not there yet.  So, we are patient in the meantime, knowing that we are trying.    There are many blog topics here to scroll through.  If you go to the bottom of the page, you may click on older posts to get to previous pages.

To leave a comment, please click on comment below the blog topic.  All is needed is a poster name and the comment will still go through.  There is also a petition mentioned earlier at this site.  The petition is at  Search Remove Obama in the search section at the site and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and go through the pages to page 11.  It is titled Remove Obama From Office And Arrest For Public Endangerment.  It does move to the next page as new petitions are created.  We would like to do a flag march, but if you are not interested in that, you may still come here to unite in conversation.  However, this is the best way we feel that our voices will be heard for truth and justice. 

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God Bless America!


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