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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

Chaos Again....End of Times?

Many question whether this is the End of Times. Well, there is the pandemic, vax genocide, war, weather disasters, evil spreading like wildfire, etc. Biblically, it has been said, it begins with Israel being surrounded. It is now reported that Hezbollah plans to go in from the North. As far as Hamas which means lawless and violence, they orchestrated their plans with maps leading them directly to civilians homes to kill them. They had specific targets in that way. Both terrorist groups want to destroy Israel. Here in America we have politicians supporting Hamas terrorists. There are marches around the world supporting Palestine who sent them in for this surprise attack. Yet, these same people said, Putin was the most evil for going into Ukraine? The plans to bring down Jerusalem were once predicted. Being the biggest attack on Israel since 1948, it is the start of a house of cards that is bound to come down from these tensions in the world. This has all been a wake up call for some people who now recognize Obama is a fraud and his support for terrorists who hate America. They recognize the increasing threat from all those who came across our open border too. Uniting has always been a theme here, even with all the division he initiated and perpetuated. So, now it is equally important to stay vigilant, protect yourself and your loved one's and most of all...remain faithful including to your purpose here. Stay strong. Take care. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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