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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We have the right to take a stand!

We have seen a lot about 'rights' lately.  We have seen a lot of protesting.   However, when it comes to standing up to President Obama, we see nothing!  Americans, we have the right to say what we think about Obama's wrong doing.   We have the right to demand an investigation into Obama's actions.  We have the right to say that we will not tolerate our lives being put on the line.  We have the right to demand him to step down.  We can stand up for Justice in our peaceful way, just as anyone else can!  This is America.  If we let our own president carry on with ways in which we feel are destructive , while doing nothing, what does that say about us?  I know people reading this are aware there are MANY people across the country who see the truth about what is happening.  Must we feel stuck watching what many say is a destructive path for this country?  Must we ride out MANY more months of reckless actions with the hope the next person will clean up this mess? 

Do we truly want to give the wrong message of silence that we are ok with all this?  Do we want to let it fester until there is civil unrest , then knowing that we could have done better?  That we could have come together by the millions to say that we have had enough of all this.  We can give a peaceful , united message!  We want our country back with law and order, freedom and National Security!  We want to stand by those who have kept us safe.  The military, our law enforcement , our border agents.  These are the very people our president has targeted, restricted and weakened!  I can ask you to forgive me for repeating myself, but this is worth repeating.  At the rate things are going, we have less time to come together in the way we need to.  So, this is  reminder that we must unite.

Leave a message, by clicking on comments below any topic here at our site.  All that is needed is a poster name for it to go through . Time varies for it to show up at the site.  We continue to keep this site open with information that is important enough for Americans to take a step and speak out about.  We have the right to take a stand! 

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God Bless America!



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