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Americans For Justice - United - 2024

We Will Not Be Divided

To be divided is to allow ourselves to fall.  To give in to increasing division that is propelled from 'the top' , will in no way bring us 'forward'!  Since Obama entered office, we have seen the common theme of division.  It has been verbalized repeatedly, backed by actions until 'reactions' have led to acting out.  We have seen the areas that were used to ignite people's negative response.

- 1 % vs. 99%

- Democrats vs. Republican

- Blacks vs. Whites.

- Illegals vs. Legal

- Etc.

In no way, has there been the effort to unite Americans.  We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA living with a president who spends years fueling divisive issues. It has led to violent protests, loss of property, destruction of our flag, injuries and deaths with no solution.  There is only one solution left.  Americans who care about this country, must unite.  We cannot change the criminals who are acting out. We can acknowledge the areas in which our Judicial System is failing. 

But, we must start at the top.  If laws are being violated by those working for the Government, there must be investigation and accountability.  This country cannot be led by lawlessness and expect to preserve law an order.  Every ounce of divisive speech,  fuels the hatred amongst Americans.  Every Unconstitutional Act witnessed happening shows we are losing that which protects our rights  Every law violated freely is a message to other criminals they can do the same.

To give in to this divisiveness and hatred that is spreading like wild fire is letting one man's leadership bring about the fall.  How will the damage be repaired?  How will there ever be the opportunity to heal from this?  Once lives are taken, they are ended  Once destruction happens, it takes a long time to re-build.  Once we head in this direction, the harder it is to regain unity.

The win against a destructive agenda that is only propelling evil, is to stand together.  Just as it is to stand in the darkness of night fall and see the shooting star across the sky amidst the other stars sparkling together.  Even in the darkness, we can see the vast array of light above.   Do not let darkness fall upon America without standing to shine together.  To live while refusing to see or to try is not living fully at all. 

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